Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An orchid by any other name

Growing up a "Mimi" most certainly was not always easy. Oh how I longed to be a Karen or a Jennifer or even a Kelly. For the most part I embraced my name and learned to love it for the fact that it was unique. Other than "Mimi's Cafe", I rarely, if ever heard of anyone with the same name. These days it seems the name is a bit more common, though hardly popular. The most common reaction I get when giving my name at Starbucks or at a restaurant is, "Oh, I love that name! That's my dog's name!". Um, excuse me? Am I supposed to be in some way honored by this? Anyway, I recently decided to track the usage of my name and my blog name on the Internet and have been inundated with updates of the usage of "Mimi Palmer". Come to find out, they are not talking about me at all. Nope. Apparently there is an exotic orchid that goes by the same name. Described as "unique", "eccentric" and "temperamental", a deeper connection to a flower I could not feel. So here it is, "the" Mimi Palmer (sooo much prettier than some scruffy mutt):

image via flickr


Natalie Moser Photography said...

Much better than a mutt... especially since dogs aren't your favorite things! ;)

Love you,

Jihan Zencirli said...

i've actually googled you- and this is exactly what I found!
oh and happy birthday, funny girl!

gina said...

naturally making Mimi Palmer a fabulous name.